and Site Studies
Services Services in the field of Wind and Site studies comprises:
Measurements WEA has experience and facilities for wind turbine and wind measurements in order to measure wind. resources, power curves and loads on wind turbines. Beside measuring meteorological data comprises this measurements by strain gauges, accellerometers as well as electrical data. WEA has performed measurements for a number of research projects and for a number of private client as well. WEA can also offer to analyse measured data provided by the client. Aeroelastic calculations An advanced aeroelastic code allows realistic simulation of the behavior of wind turbines in order to calculate performance and loads. The code can be used for verifying whether a wind turbine is convenient for a given site. WEA has such state-of-art code and is very experienced in the use of it. |
Wind resource analysis and micrositing Even within a small area of land might the variation of wind resources be considerable. In most cases must wind data from a monitoring station be transformed to the positions, where the installation of wind turbines are intended. The topography, terrain rougness and shelters have influence on that. Also the effects between more turbines on a site must be considered. The state-of-art tool for such analysis is the Wind Atlas, Analysis and Application Programme (WASP software by Risø National Laboratory): WEA principals are trained n and regular users of this since its first release in 1987. The company also possess the Windows based software "Wind-Pro", which partly can analyse wind resources as WASP, but also includes facilities for visualization, noise calculations and financial calculations. Correlation analysis Long-term prediction of the wind, which is required for wind turbine projects, requires also long term wind data. For many sites such data dont exist. Site measurements for many years are in most cases not realistic. A method for overcoming this problem is correlation analysis, where site measurements for a shorter period (a couple of month up to one year) are correlated to a remote meteorological station, where long-term data exist. Long-term site estimates are then established based on this correlation. WEA has experience in this kind of analysis. |
© WEA Technology A/S � Industrileddet 13 � DK4000 � Roskilde � Denmark
Tel. +45 46383202 � Fax +45 46 383144 � info@wea.dk